Monday 12 December 2011

SWTOR Class Guide - The Republic

This post will be your SWTOR class guide, it will list all the available classes you will be able to choose from within the game and a little bit about each one for you.

If you choose to go for the side of light then the following characters will be available to you...

  • Jedi Knight
The guardians of the republic, used to settle any disputes for the Republic. In the game the Jedi are one of the predicted popular choices (along with Sith warrior) and they are the right reason to be. The Jedi have the following features...

 - Lightsaber
Their primary choice of weapon which makes them deadly from long range and especially from close range. With the ability to deflect blaster rounds this weapon makes the Jedi a force not to be messed with.

 - Light clothing
The light clothing of a Jedi (robes) makes them faster than the other characters that carry heavy armour however this also does mean that the defence is lowered so make sure that you keep this in mind.

 - Force Powers
The standard force powers of a Jedi are available too giving you an added benefit to your opponents; push, pull, throw and use speed in the game to your advantage.

  • Smuggler
The smuggler has been played around with to make sure that it is a popular choice when the game comes out to be released and they have done a good job with the following features...
  • Twin Blasters
Smugglers will carry twin blasters to create damage to the enemy. 
  • Invisibility Belt
Smugglers will be the only class that are able to use this item which allows them to become invisible to their enemies which can make them very dangerous assassins when the time calls for it.

  • Trooper
For those that choose against the Jedi knights the next popular choice is going to be the star trooper. The main features for this character are:

  • Heavy Armour
Troopers will have the best armour in the game which increase their defence against weapons making which is great when fighting multiple enemies or fighting in a group.
  • Heavy weapons
Along with heavy armour Troopers also have access to a large inventory of weapons included heavy guns which can prove a problem even for a large opposition as these guns can easily cut through ranks of enemies!

1 comment:

  1. Troopers will have the best armour in the game which increase their defence swtor credits sale against weapons making which is great when fighting multiple enemies or fighting in a group.
